Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How's Seattle?

When it comes to making polite conversations, I have a disease.

I'm either really good at it or I suck at it.

I am in the process of making new friends in Seattle, and when introduced to one, I effortlessly make small talk, "accidently" spill a drink on my dress and move on. There are times when I assume that I'm going to hate or already hate the person I'm being introduced to. Even then I manage to make the hated believe I love them.

It's when I have to make small talk with people I've known differently earlier that I'm terrible. If I know them well enough, I should already know how they are doing, and how the weather is where they live! If i ask, then this is exactly what it is... unmeaningful small talk.

I don't know what I hate more...
1. Me doing the small talk
2. The small talk itself
3. The other party so knowingly playing a part in the small talk

For all I care, the glaciers in downtown Seattle are getting bigger!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Boy needed a break from work, and I just needed a break, generally. The excuse hence - our first wedding anniversary. All those of you who came to Bangalore last year around this time should remember.

Of course, I didn't think we should spend too much. So I suggested that he attends conferences in China, Italy and such. While he'd be conferencing, I'll be in the fancy hotel room... yeah, an A/C and clean white sheets do it for me. I figured that way we only spend on my flight tickets.

That idea was ruled out, bad scheduling of conferences.

Then I suggested Disneyland... lovely summer days, roller coaster rides, probably a Best Western or something with free breakfast for guests, nearby. But really, this trip would not have lasted for more than 4 days. Max. And we wanted a big break remember?

Some looking up Orkut photos udates, talks to friends and brainstorming sessions later, Alaska seemed like a probable place to go. Far away? Yes. Expensive? Very. Chances of finding vegetarian food? Slim. There, our decision was made.

Here's a little preview of what we saw in Alaska. It was like watching an active volcano. Just the opposite.


We celebrated our anniversary sea kayaking and watching glaciers calve. Scary.
I'm sitting at home and today it's a year since I came to Seattle. Already? Very Scary.

But so far, touch wood, I've enjoyed it here. For all the fun, fights, family and friends (on TV and on g-talk), I'm thankful.

Happy Anniversary Swamiji!