An apology…
Has it ever happened that you’ve pulled your friend’s leg incessantly about something very personal without quite realizing that it could cause a lot of pain?
Well it happened to me. And to think I’ve made fun of my friend since the time we got to know of each other. It must have hurt him so much.
I feel terrible and just want to say “I’m Sorry, I swear I didn’t know”.
Things you shall do while at work...
1. Enable Microsoft Office Assistant (absolute time pass) - My Microsoft Office Assistant is a cat. It’s the cutest when it tries to shoo off a butterfly.
2. Learn a new language - I’m learning Bengali, Marathi and Malayalam (don’t ask me why, I didn’t ask my boss why either)
3. Play with colours – Open old Power point presentations and change the background, template or text box colours.
4. Non engineers should teach Engineer friends – I got my greatest kicks out of teaching one how to use Excel and that tally bars are called “Tally bars” and not “lines and one line crossing 4 other lines”.
5. Exercise – Walk up to the coffee vending machine at least 10 times a day. It really helps burn those calories (however, the extra sugar in my cup of tea/coffee does not help one bit)
6. Be heard and let your cell phone be heard too – I have now come to believe that it is impolite to keep cell phones on silent mode. Aaargh!!!
7. Ask self and sigh… and rant - Since when did a PC stop being a PERSONAL computer which is free for all to peep into and comment?
So far, this is the list I can come up with. Readers are most welcome to add.