All my bags is packey, I is ready to go,
I is stand here outside your door,
I hates to wake you ups to say goodbye.
Wonder why this song has been ringing in my head for the last couple of days. The exact same way, with all the incorrect lyrics. I could blame some arbit random idiot who, I'm pretty sure, sings this way.
Ahhh, sleep... that's something I could use a lot of now. But the pattern works best. If I don't sleep for a couple of days, the third day I sleep like a baby. Although, when I wake up, I do look like D.Jo used to, scary (a nice, sweet, endearing scary mind you).
Need to talk to friend and get him to come to Seattle. He does have chances of coming with the new job. Fabulous source of entertainment.
Diwali is in another 2 weeks. How can one think of Diwali and not miss family, special food, specials on TV and fireworks?
"Hmpf" means "I'm not talking for three days".
One down, three be prepared. Two can take a hike/sandwich,
It rains here so often. So bloody often. Wish M was here and we could go eat Cheeeesy garlic bread and call the waiters at cafes "Uncles", and have them blush.
As a diligent friend, I need to go look for hunks who could be suitable "boys". I don't complain about this chore though. Also need to look for Jessica Alba look alikes, now that is not very interesting to me, unless I get paid for it. Big Money.
I want Petha.
I wish I had shiny ink pen.
All my bags is packey, I is ready to go,
I is stand here outside your door,
I hates to wake you ups to say goodbye.
Wonder why this song has been ringing in my head for the last couple of days. The exact same way, with all the incorrect lyrics. I could blame some arbit random idiot who, I'm pretty sure, sings this way.
Ahhh, sleep... that's something I could use a lot of now. But the pattern works best. If I don't sleep for a couple of days, the third day I sleep like a baby. Although, when I wake up, I do look like D.Jo used to, scary (a nice, sweet, endearing scary mind you).
Need to talk to friend and get him to come to Seattle. He does have chances of coming with the new job. Fabulous source of entertainment.
Diwali is in another 2 weeks. How can one think of Diwali and not miss family, special food, specials on TV and fireworks?
"Hmpf" means "I'm not talking for three days".
One down, three be prepared. Two can take a hike/sandwich,
It rains here so often. So bloody often. Wish M was here and we could go eat Cheeeesy garlic bread and call the waiters at cafes "Uncles", and have them blush.
As a diligent friend, I need to go look for hunks who could be suitable "boys". I don't complain about this chore though. Also need to look for Jessica Alba look alikes, now that is not very interesting to me, unless I get paid for it. Big Money.
I want Petha.
I wish I had shiny ink pen.
*thinks in a croak*
*croak (singing in head)*
I is Leeeeeaving.. *voice vanishes*
*loves self for having only thought, never spoken. Pats self on back.*
*thinks joyfully*
Thank God, for once I don't have to actually LISTEN to the singing. It's only in the head.
you is talking like Dobby (for further clarifications please go to HP-Bk 2, and i think it is time for you to do so, i has started seeing friends!!)
me is agreeing to being thankful sigging in head and sparig frogs
me is not agreeing to scary face and is sad at the fun perverse friends get at in-the-moment disoriented soul
Hmph to you too and shant sign my name
D.Jo/Anon: Me still thinks that when all is poo, FRIENDS still makes it all better. HP is quite good too. Each time I've read a page, God knows, I've fallen asleep.
And you can totally blame it for the scary face I wake up with :P
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